Monday, 10 October 2016

Turning Ours Into Sour

There is, for a lot of places in the west (which I accept is a very general description of one portion of our current civilisation) there is a problem  -- or at least a concern -- with people from the muslim faith. It isn't so much what they do in the lands where their religion is dominant as another car bomb outside a rival mosque rarely makes the headlines several thousand miles away, but more what they do when they come to the west. You don't need me to remind you of numerous assaults, outrages and downright lunatic mayhem which has been committed in Europe and North America and other 'western' nations by people of that particular mindset (and yes, before you ask, religion has to be a mindset or its abstract precepts can have no impact on the human mind and therefore can have no power to guide human actions. The thought precedes the act.)

The question that the west has been reluctant to ask itself, other than individuals, is why so many muslims want to leave their own nations? Not all of them are fleeing from war -- a war that many consider may have been facilitated by the west poking its nose and arms into places it shouldn't be but was started and continued almost entirely by muslim tribes and various sects of islam who don't get along but all have AK-47s. For a so-called Religion of Peace there seems to be considerable evidence many of its adherents don't see it that way at all.

Now it is easy to say that these people want a better life, though it would be a question of what the west has that offers a better life. My view is moving from a warm place to a cold, often wet place where there is very little of the religious and social constructs that sustained those people in their homelands and where there are increasingly fewer jobs to earn money to improve one's life, is not necessarily better. To make it even more unappealing, the languages and cultures and traditions would  definitely be alien to non-westerners. In other words, you wouldn't go unless there was something appealing on offer you couldn't get at home.

It has been said that immigration without assimilation is invasion, and a good number of ordinary people (not the western politicians and assorted media hacks who are paid well enough to live in secure places until the may be obliged to flee their home country) think what we are seeing now is invasion. There isn't a whole lot of assimilation going on, as these refugees inevitably decline to be part of the nation where they they arrive. When you see, as I have, men in white, long desert-like robes and open-toe (and sockless) sandals walking round on a not particularly warm British day, you wonder why the insistence of being 'arab' is more attractive than being warm and dry. But then, if you want to make a statement you are separate then, sure, it works pretty well.

Most of the refugees who passed through economically stable and war-free countries to reach Germany (and possibly other European nations) are mostly MMAs -- Men of Military Age (there are not many women accompanying them though western media has worked hard to show images of every baby brought along) -- and are thus economic migrants. They passed through safe places, even ones that have the same culture and religion that they know, because it wasn't lucrative enough. The better life they want depends more not on opportunities to work but on the state hand outs and 'free money' they know the west has on offer. They want what we have, and they would like it free, please.

Rightly or wrongly, the driving force of politics and social-engineering in the west has been to provide and maintain a safety net for those who, through ill-fortune or plain mismanagement of their own lives, have fallen through the cracks of an economically stable society. The idea was that if you arrest such a fall, people (with help or on their own initiative) can begin to find their own feet following the fall and in time no longer require state assistance. A temporary lapse or spell of bad luck can be put behind the citizen who aspires to a more promising, less dependent life. Laudable of course, but we have seen through several decades of this ideal -- and one that cannot be shifted from the political map no matter what the cost or consequences -- is that all that happens is the safety net quickly becomes a warm, cosy hammock. No need to lift oneself up when you are provided with everything you need without working for it.

Indeed, there is some evidence to show that families in this warm, soft hammock our nation has provided can enjoy a level of wealth that working people cannot hope to attain. When some prominent 'activist' said a few years ago that families on the dole (or whatever phrase is currently fashionable) should have a minimum annual income of £35,000 provided by the state, it made a lot of working people grimace. No matter how hard a lot of people in employment work, they cannot hope to bring in £35,000 after tax with all the attendant costs of transport and not being able to wear pyjamas all day.

The question then is why should people who don't work enjoy a significantly better lifestyle than those who don't? There has been no answer forthcoming, but the idea of more money for the non-working is still 'out there.' When ideas get 'out there' they tend to be a precursor to being 'in here.'

Perhaps none of the people we have elected to government have any idea this immivasion is happening. Perhaps the people of our nations are a complete mystery to them. So we have a situation that our politicians, who we elect in the hope they honour their promises and equally are able to see current trends and patterns also have an ability to be aware of future issues, cannot do what they say they can. For example, the non-politician in me is so unsophisticated that if I fill my fridge with cartons of milk it not only costs me a lot of money I needn't pay, the fridge soon becomes full (denying space for other things I need to refrigerate) and the milk I can never get round to using slowly goes off. So far our politicians, if they are aware of anything like this as regards immigration, have a vague idea that 'we' (as if we are one with them) must buy a larger fridge. It hasn't occurred to them, apparently, that buying more and more milk and stuffing it in is not the way to go.

I am sure there are some who would be outraged that I appear to be equating people who 'want a better life' are milk cartons. That isn't the point of analogies. We have a small island with limited living space and if you believe what the social observers say, a shortage of housing but an increasing strain on education and health provision.

The question in any kitchen must be where do you put a larger fridge?

I have a relative, by marriage, who is very keen on this immivasion and sees no problem in more people coming here to do little but to maintain their stance that they are different. This relative even sends out messages suggesting if it wasn't for these people, Britain would have fewer brain surgeons and heart specialists. The trouble would appear to be that the brain surgeons and heart specialists who arrive from the middle-east, say, come in by plane direct to Heathrow and not by train and foot into Germany or get into the back of lorries at Calais. But like our politicians, my relative doesn't seem to have an ability to see what is happening though this person lives in a comfortable part of London where reality can seem a long way off. Certainly when I lived in one industrial northern town, the immivasion lot if they had any job at all was as taxi-drivers, or mostly lived off the state safety net in their own non-assimilated hammocks and among them had a good number of men who regarded the people already there as either sexual playthings (if young enough) or worthy of disapproval.

To go back to the MMA immivasion breaking on Germany and threatening other western nations, a lot of these young men want -- as young men will -- sex. If their officially-approved hijab-clad females aren't coming with them then they will have to turn, when the urge takes them, to what is available locally.

My conclusion is that the west's leaders are wilfully blind, or ignorant of consequences, and all we are doing is planning for larger fridges because we don't know or want to know anything about things of ours that are turning sour.

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