Friday, 22 November 2013

I didn't notice I wasn't noticing

Not Noticing Things is the exciting new concept that drives our modern, caring 'n' sharing society forward, but I suspect you never noticed.

It's a shame in one sense that you weren't aware of the new trend that consumes so much of our political and cultural energy, but perhaps in another way it's more acceptable Not Noticing Things. It saves you Asking Awkward Questions and then listening to the long silence as no one can come up with answers. Better you don't know would be the best solution here.

So you see, this exciting new trend known as Not Noticing Things, or NNT as we like to say because having noticed that the people in general weren't noticing we can start using acronyms, is everywhere. NNT infuses our political corridors of power. It shapes our national media. It makes tens of thousands of people 'up at the top' feel that they are justified in having wildly inaccurate thoughts and make utterly ineffective policies. Laws too, because people under the soothing, cosy NNT would never notice that they were having their freedom of action and thought removed bit by bit.

Now we have governments and 'leaders' who are happy with NNT there is absolutely no danger of the terrible condition known as AAQ emerging. This is our favourite acronym for the dreaded Asking Awkward Questions.

Like people asking the very uncomfortable questions such as: "If unfettered immigration is so good why are there so many problems with it?"

More, they could be indulging in seriously AAQ with something along the lines of: "Why is our education system so unable to prepare our children for standing on their own feet and thinking for themselves?"

Then really powerful AAQ kicks in with the utterly wretched: "How come the people we vote for along with all the media we pay for, manage to have a complete and total ability to NNT?"

Fortunately, AAQ doesn't kick in often because those in power and with the ability to persuade are successfully pursuing a policy and practice of NNT. Thus you can imagine the relief in the cloistered circles of the elite sections of our society. I mean, if people were to stop NNT then those who skim very fat livings off our ignorance would face people AAQ and promptly Have To Do Something.

Dear God, please, not the HTDS! Spare us! What do you think we are? Capable? Knowing? Intelligent? Puh-lease... You voted for a system and support a media that has no idea what's going on. Oh, I admit they are well versed in NNT but they more than anything want you to NNT too.

They have enough knowledge of NNT to work hard to ensure that you are NNT at all.

Mind you, I have to say there are definite benefits from NNT. You can enjoy various fantasies about how children are learning useful things when they aren't. You can pretend that lots of people coming here to live on benefits while developing a ghetto mentality is excellent news but above all you can be expected to keep on voting for NNT and watching and reading drivel from the media who find it so much easier to NNT.

So, on balance, you can see why NNT is the way to go. At the next election they are relying on you to NNT and vote while the media will fail to report that NNT is actually a bad idea. I mean, imagine the chaos that would ensue if we started to, heaven forfend, actually Notice Things.

NNT beats NT hands down in our brave new world, no question about it.

The fact you came across this post and may now have some independent thoughts on the subject can, our superiors and betters know, be treated by a swift and unthinking return to the warm, welcoming arms of NNT.

Thanks, they will say, we are sure you will enjoy the NNT fantasies so much more.

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